Gene | BRAF |
Variant | any |
Transcript ID (GRCh37/hg19) | ENST00000288602 |
Codon | 594 |
Exon | 15 |
Genomic Coordinates (GRCh37/hg19) | 7:140453153-140453155 |
Germline/Somatic? | Somatic |
Tumor Type | Primary Site |
The D594E mutation in BRAF is believed to result in inactivation of BRAF and, therefore, BRAF inhibitors are not likely to be effective.
B-RAF is a member of the RAF-family of kinases which plays an important role in the RAS-RAF-MEK-ERK mitotic signaling pathway. BRAF mutations are present in approximately 50% to 60% of cutaneous melanomas and are also present at lower frequencies in other melanoma subtypes. A point mutation, D594G, is located in the kinase domain of BRAF. Mutations at residue D594 are believed to result in an impaired kinase activity. Correlation with other clinical and lab findings is necessary.
Somatic mutations in BRAF have been found in up to 10% of all NSCLC, more common in adenocarcinomas. D594 is a highly conserved residue within the kinase domain of BRAF and mutation of this residue appears to result in kinase inactivation. In vitro study has shown that kinase-dead BRAF forms a constitutive complex with CRAF in the presence of activated RAS leading to MEK and ERK signaling. The predictive and prognostic significance of this mutation needs further study. Clinical correlation is recommended.
BRAF is a member of the RAF-family of kinases which plays an important role in the RAS-RAF-MEK-ERK mitotic signaling pathway. BRAF mutations are infrequent in small intestinal adenocarcinoma, ranging from 1% to 13% of reported cases. D594 is a highly conserved residue within the kinase domain of BRAF and mutation of this residue appears to result in kinase inactivation. In vitro study has shown that kinase-dead BRAF forms a constitutive complex with CRAF in the presence of activated RAS leading to MEK and ERK signaling. The predictive and prognostic significance of this specific BRAF mutation in small intestinal adenocarcinoma needs further study. Results should be interpreted in conjunction with other laboratory and clinical findings.