B-RAF is a member of the RAF-family of kinases which plays an important role in the RAS-RAF-MEK-ERK mitotic signaling pathway. The hotspot for mutations in BRAF is at codon Val600 and these are activating mutations. The most common activating mutation is p.Val600Glu(V600E). Various B-Raf inhibitors(Vemurafenib, Dabrafenib) have been FDA approved for therapy for some tumor types in certain settings, and clinical trials for advanced BRAF V600 mutation-positive tumors using targeted therapy (often in combination with other therapy) may be available (clinical trials.gov). It has been found that BRAF V600E has a mutation frequency of 2% in pancreatic cancer. A small study showed that no BRAF mutations were present in cases without KRAS mutations and in the few cases with BRAF mutations, a KRAS mutation was also present.